When Your Feet Need Help, We Are Here For You
Chiropodist, Podiatrist & FHP's
When Your Feet Need Help, We Are Here For You
Chiropodist, Podiatrist & FHP's
Chiropodist, Podiatrist & FHP's
Chiropodist, Podiatrist & FHP's
General Foot Care? Stubborn Verruca? Ingrown Nails? Cracked Heals? Painful Corns? Diabetic Foot Care?
Dont Worry, We've got you Covered.
Call Us Today to get on the Road to Recovery
Experienced Medical Professionals
Mr H Hotson, MRCPod, BSc (Hons)
Registered Podiatrist
Member of HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council)
Reg No. CH036331
Mr B Williams, MCFH, AInstFHP (HDip)
Registered Foot Health Practitioner
MCFH Reg Number: A5637C
It is not always essential for someone who suffers from ingrown nails to need surgery to remove part or all of the nail. Sometimes the ingrown nail can be corrected through non envasive treatments. Our Chiropodists and Podiatrists will be able to assess the ingrown nail and give advice on which method we think would best suit you going forward.
If one of our Podiatrists does think the nail needs surgical removal then it is a very simple procedure performed under a local anaesthetic by a Chiropodist/Podiatrist where we remove all or a section of the nail, often with the introduction of an ablation chemical to prevent the nail returning.
We will have an initial consultation with you to assess the toe and take medical background information. After this we can get you booked in for the procedure.
There will be a follow up appointment 2-4 weeks after the procedure, this is included in the original cost.
Had a verruca for years? Tried every treatment under the sun?
The verruca virus lies dormant in the skin after being contracted through an abrasion. After a short period of time the virus begins to replicate in the form of the visible cells that you may see. Proteins within the viral cells block the natural immune response which is often why certain treatments fail.
At Harrison Williams Medical we offer 2 effective treatments...
Verrutop is a new type of wart treatment. Unlike Cryotherapy or other chemical treatments, Verrutop does not act by freezing or burning the tissue. Instead it denatures the viral protein and desiccates the wart tissue, which then falls off the skin, leaving intact skin underneath.
Treatment is normally quick and painless.
In our opinion Verrutop may be more suitable for children to start with due to it being less invasive and milder in its application. In the unlikely scenario that you see no improvement we may then recommend looking into Needling.
Needling is the Gold Standard in Verruca Treatments, a simple procedure designed to disrupt the virus, create a strong inflammatory response and enhance your body’s ability to target the lesion. A local anaesthetic is given to allow for a pain free procedure. A controlled wound is created and appropriately dressed. After that it is down to your body and how it reacts to the treatment.
Real life studies show total resolution after 1 treatment in 70% of cases (followed up 6 months later). Up to 3 treatments may be necessary.
For more information please click the link below to call, we will answer any questions you may have.
Our goal is to improve and maintain the overall health of your feet, We will help with all common foot complaints, Corns, Ingrown Nails, Thickened Nails, Callus, Cracked and Painful Heals.
We can test and diagnose your suspected fungal nail and with effective treatment we can finally get on top of this common nail complaint.
Send us a Message or Call to Make an Appointment
41a St Peter's Avenue, Cleethorpes, DN35 8HF, United Kingdom
Call On: 07930154597
Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
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